
Quality Engineering Services

Quality Engineering Services

The emergence of IoT has resulted in a significant shift in consumer behaviour. Every business is embracing digital transformation in their goods and services to increase productivity and improve customer experience. To ensure quality performance, IoT systems' complex architecture and specific characteristics necessitate testing across all system components. This introduces the IoT testing challenges like time and cost involved in test execution, long regression cycles, bug fixing along with new development, selecting right testing tools and technologies for all the components of IoT application with multiple platforms integration.

Over the last decade, Encoding Enhancers has gained invaluable experience working on a variety of cutting-edge IoT projects, including IoT device testing. By recognising the problems that come with IoT implementations, our team provides strategic IoT product testing services. We follow latency to ensure smooth integration of IoT devices with IoT platforms, resulting in the desired performance.

IoT Product Testing Services

Our IoT Quality Engineering team uses a specific D2D (Definition to Delivery) collaboration model, in which our highly qualified engineers collaborate with your core product team from product definition to delivery. They're also involved in every step of the IoT solution creation process, from hardware to software to network connectivity to cloud and mobile app development.

In order to ensure right performance and security of IoT applications, we leverage various testing methods, automated and manual that aligns with industry requirements. Our engineers are well-versed in the most recent development methodologies, such as iterative, gradual, and agile development, and they use them to produce a final product that meets the needs of our customers. Our quality assurance specialists have hands-on experience testing cross-browser, cross-platform, cross-platform, cross-platform, cross-platform, cross-platform, cross-platform, cross-platform, cross (Wi-Fi, mobile).


Backed by our in-depth technical expertise, we provide comprehensive testing and quality assurance services across the entire product lifecycle from requirement gathering to production testing. Products we have productized have achieved very high DRE and very low DRR ratios.

We help customers by adopting a systematic approach that transforms client's ideas and specifications into quality products which assure minimal schedule slippage, low product BOM, and engineering costs. Our specialization includes Board and System Design, Analog Mixed Signal/RF Design, FPGA Designs, ASIC/ System on Chip services.

  • IoT testing: IoT device testing, Mobile Application testing, IoT security, compatibility, interoperability, regression, API, Onboarding, Over-the-Air (OTA), latency, functional, performance testing
  • Testing tools: Postman, MQTT Spy, Wireshark, Ubiqua, LightBlue, tcpdump, PTS, Jmeter, Locust, VectorCAST
  • IoT protocols: Wi-Fi, Zigbee, BLE, Z-Wave, Thread, LoRaWAN
  • Test case management tools: TestRail, TestLink, IBM Rational Quality Manager
  • Debugging tools: Oscilloscope, Multimeter
  • Defect management tools: JIRA, Redmine, Mantis, BugZilla
Success Stories

Find out how Encoding Enhancers helped clients to achieve their business objectives.
Embedded Board Porting Services view case study